Plans and schedule !

How many of us and how many times have we made a schedule, time-table or a plan ?

Almost all of us plan and prepare schedules and time tables in a diary, chalk board/ white board or on the mobile phone planner. The next thing that happens to most of us is that this time table almost all the time never works out- either we have overslept or missed one activity as per the schedule which spoils the entire time table and schedule system. We feel disappointed and upset, in anger we delete, cut or trash the time table made. However, in few weeks, months or days we don't give up and make another plan/ time table/ schedule in hope and determination to make it work this time, perhaps not always it happens. 

Likewise when we think why is God doing this, why is my struggle not getting over, why this situation why that and in mind we question: God hello! are you real, can you hear me can you see me, God have mercy !

It is because God has already planned something great for you (From your day 1 of life), God wants to see your prosper and in same way God also prepares a time table/ schedule for you.  A lot of times we take decisions (considering good decisions for us) that tends to clash with Gods plan for you and your life and just like that; Gods time table prepared for you gets spoilt. From a Bible story of Moses the 11 days journey took 40 years to complete and reach to the promise land (BIBLE, ACTS 1:2). 

However what God has decided for you will ultimately happen, and GOD PREPARES A NEW TIME TABLE FOR YOU. Now the same prosperous destiny might take you a little longer or perhaps shorter its in Gods hand because he is the schedule creator and plan maker of your life. We may give up making time tables but God will always have a new plan to take you to your success and God planned destiny. 

Its in your hands: the more you do your will God will prepare new time tables but the more you say God your will be done in my life, the Lord will keep you on the same time table. But if today you are questioning all that you do is according to Gods will yet nothing is seen, 1) You don't know you may be next step away when you decide to give up, 2) God is always with you even in struggles, so be faithful. 

Though you make good plans for yourself, trust God because Gods plans are THE BEST ! 
By: Juhi Jennifer Macwan 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much upasana (madam) Means a lot. keep supporting :) Stay happy and blessed always.

  2. Replies
    1. thank you so much :) keep sharing and following.


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