
Showing posts from June, 2018

How Good is GOD ? Taste and See

How Good is God ? how can any one even taste this ? - "Yes, The Lord is sweet" Well If you are thinking where can I taste Gods goodness (sweetness) then certainly don't step in your kitchen, grocery store or seek at a restaurant.  Because the sweetness of GOD is tasted through the miracles done in your life, through the prayers answered, through your faithfulness when you rely upon God for small and big things, easier and tougher decisions. But you may question, I have always been faithful, I have always walked with God I have always Prayed but did you do it with full faith ? did you completely surrender your problem, situation, exam, job, medicals, house, vehicle, person, relationship in the hand of God ? and if you did then you know the result has been good and that good result is the sweetness (goodness of God that you have tasted).  ( Psalms 34:8- NIV ) " Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him"  .

Plans and schedule !

How many of us and how many times have we made a schedule, time-table or a plan ? Almost all of us plan and prepare schedules and time tables in a diary, chalk board/ white board or on the mobile phone planner. The next thing that happens to most of us is that this time table almost all the time never works out- either we have overslept or missed one activity as per the schedule which spoils the entire time table and schedule system. We feel disappointed and upset, in anger we delete, cut or trash the time table made. However, in few weeks, months or days we don't give up and make another plan/ time table/ schedule in hope and determination to make it work this time, perhaps not always it happens.  Likewise when we think why is God doing this, why is my struggle not getting over, why this situation why that and in mind we question: God hello! are you real, can you hear me can you see me, God have mercy ! It is because God has already planned something great for you


Introduction of ETC "ETC" stands for Encouragement Through Christ. The concept of ETC has been to encourage and motivate people, using verses and scriptures from Bible and life experiences. The whole point of opening up a blog page, posting pictures and quotes is to boost up the morale of all individuals. We all know there is immense stress, pressure and competition in the world and several times we find ourselves in need to overcome these struggles perhaps not all individuals happen to be in an environment or company where you get word of appreciation and support, this gave a vision to write blogs and quotes to look at the same situation with a lens of faith and positivity. ETC page initially commenced via Facebook and further moved on to another social media platform - Instagram (Link to which is found next to home button on the blog page) and on 21st June 2018 ETC is on bloggers for an extended vision of encouraging devotions, that will be posted every week . 

God has different ways of teaching us all

God has different ways of teaching us all, because we are all different people!  No one person is alike not even the most likely twins! we are differentiated by finger prints or retina. Since God has not created each human alike then how can each story (of a person) be same / similar ?  God definitely has a different plan for each one, that is not just a plan but THE BEST PLAN, however according to Gods timing this will be revealed.  Today if you feel why has God put you under this situation know its for your own, for God to discipline you and to make you of a good character. Through rough times, troubles, pressure, stress or even all time being happy and chilled out, God is teaching each one differently. The Lord has created you and is mindful about you. Learn the lessons of life but do not forget what ever happens is for a (good) reason , be faithful as you learn something new today and take it positively.  -ETC  By: Juhi Jennifer Macwan