How Good is GOD ? Taste and See

How Good is God ? how can any one even taste this ? - "Yes, The Lord is sweet"

Well If you are thinking where can I taste Gods goodness (sweetness) then certainly don't step in your kitchen, grocery store or seek at a restaurant. 
Because the sweetness of GOD is tasted through the miracles done in your life, through the prayers answered, through your faithfulness when you rely upon God for small and big things, easier and tougher decisions. But you may question, I have always been faithful, I have always walked with God I have always Prayed but did you do it with full faith ? did you completely surrender your problem, situation, exam, job, medicals, house, vehicle, person, relationship in the hand of God ? and if you did then you know the result has been good and that good result is the sweetness (goodness of God that you have tasted).
 (Psalms 34:8- NIV) " Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him" . (Bible Verse)
I can definitely relate to this verse because in lack of financial support God has provided with a continuation of job, God has kept in good health, God has helped in studies and work has been a wisdom provision and all this I have prayed for and my only refuge has been GOD so I am sure like me even today when you think of a situation and wonder how did that happen and how things turned in your favor is because the Lord has been with you and will always be present for you.
All you have to do is pray and give everything in hands of the Lord then he will bless you.
Therefore when we take refuge in God, set our entire trust on the Heavenly Father, keep praying and giving our circumstances in God's hands he will bless us and through that blessing you (know and) will definitely taste and see how good and sweet the Lord is.
Today no matter how hard the situation and circumstance may be keep trusting God positively then you will taste and see the goodness of God in your life.

By: Juhi Jennifer Macwan


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