
Showing posts from July, 2018

Whom, what, why- than shall I fear ?

How many of us have some sort of fear ? I was astonished to know about the fear list that exists. E.g.- Fear of heights is acrophobia, fear of aircrafts or flying is aerophobia, fear of colors is chromatophobia, fear of pain is algophobia and fear of having fear itself exists which is phobophobia.  I had a really weird list of fears too, I was afraid to wear the clothes, shoes or use the things during which I got failure, even if I prepared for an exam wearing those shoes or clothes, or using a thing and the outcome was failure. I would fear, I would be afraid, scared to use or wear it again. I feared people, assignments, deadlines, relationships, teachers- I had a long list of fears in life. It was really a hard time to overcome these 'superstitions' or 'fears', though even now I sometimes see my favorite white converse, remember the bad incident and for good long time think if I should wear them or not ?- I know sounds crazy! " It is not good to h

Why worry about tomorrow ? -"Live Life Right Here Right Now "

How many of us are worried about tomorrow? We are all doing something today for our tomorrows ? My job today will lead me into promotion soon (tomorrows), my studies today will lead me into a good job some day (tomorrows), my today is for a better tomorrow  Does it mean my yesterday was for a better today ! Also such a famous contradicting quote "you never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so enjoy your today" Well. What if I am stressed today-about tomorrow?  I want to draw your attention to a Bible Verse  "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" - Matthew 6:34 This is perhaps so true, each day has its own call, its own issues, unpredictable and unanticipated problems; how then can you be so ascertain ? I know my studies, job, career hard work today will reward me tomorrow but because of this thought can I over burden my today with- stress, fear and

Climb the steps of future and let go off past.

We are living in an ever so changing and an unpredictable world today. How hard it is to rely upon people and situations?  Life has become like a property, some people stay forever and make it a home where as others, walk in stay for sometime, stay till their needs are fulfilled and go away- just like a hotel.  Situations, people, relationships, close ones or just mere life at some point will hurt you, I can definately not deny loosing people wrecks you emotionally and mentally, when people play games in your life, when you find out people cheat upon you, when you figure out - you are not what they need or just simply out of blue situations and people give you a break up !  Nothing seems more unfair than something or someone break you into pieces, they themselves move ahead and leave in middle of no where. I seldom hear these words : cheating, break up, revenge, I can't trust, life in mess, selfish, heartless, use and throw These are really some negative words a


In life we go through a lot of seasons and processes, that turn out good or bad, I would like to draw your attention towards this Bible Verse (Isaiah 41:9), and break it into 2 parts: 1st-  I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you  2nd - I said you are my servant I have chosen you and have not rejected you Now I will share a personal life example,  just like any other young person after basic bachelor graduation, in order to form a great career for myself I had been looking out for several opportunities. First I decided to move to another country, so I went right up at the north west of the world - in no time everything became negative as I landed there, it was not meant for me as the course was not a degree, I came back re-applied for another country some where in western world itself and my wait for 6months turned out fruitful so, as I went to this other country I was enrolled for a masters (MS degree) but after attending 1 week