Why worry about tomorrow ? -"Live Life Right Here Right Now "

How many of us are worried about tomorrow?

We are all doing something today for our tomorrows ?
My job today will lead me into promotion soon (tomorrows), my studies today will lead me into a good job some day (tomorrows), my today is for a better tomorrow 
Does it mean my yesterday was for a better today !

Also such a famous contradicting quote "you never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so enjoy your today"

Well. What if I am stressed today-about tomorrow? 

I want to draw your attention to a Bible Verse 
"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" - Matthew 6:34

This is perhaps so true, each day has its own call, its own issues, unpredictable and unanticipated problems; how then can you be so ascertain ?

I know my studies, job, career hard work today will reward me tomorrow but because of this thought can I over burden my today with- stress, fear and anxiety about tomorrow?

Let me share a real life example,
When I was studying last year -in 2017, It was academically - challenging, frustrating and a very negative year, what ever I did added to nothing, I would work but my mentors would just not appreciate it, things got really bad, I thought my today is not going to lead me into another positive tomorrow, It had a real bad impact on me, my life. 
But Gods favor lead me into where I am today, however on personal level my efforts in preparation for a better tomorrow had just failed, I was so anxious and worried.
Bible Verse leading "Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
- Matthew 6:27
I added nothing through worrying about tomorrow, nothing at all - yes I was clueless and what I added was negativity, negative thoughts, anger, I lost faith from myself.
One episode in my story- of worry added nothing positive yet everything pessimist. I thought I will be happy only if this hurdle got cleared and due to that stress I missed out on a lot of things, it was not that I was studying 24x7, I was so stressed that I forgot I was blessed. 

So Today I want to encourage you, STOP THINKING/ WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW
"Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life" Matthew 6:25

No one except the creator knows what will happen tomorrow, make sure you stay happy & positive today, work hard today but not with a thought of tomorrow ! 
Do not think I will be happy only if tomorrow I could get that CEO position, or because I topped the university, do not wait for summer, winter, people, true love to happen, to make you happy-
             do not wait for tomorrow to be happy today, life goes on in all situations.

Rather than dwelling and living in future 
Live your life right here right now

By: Juhi Jennifer Macwan 


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