You must be very intelligent and efficient

You Must Be Very Intelligent and Efficient!


This is a story of faithfulness- not the one where a person has faith on God, but its about God's faithfulness towards his people. 
This is my story

Its a desire of every person to attain: highest degree, greatest salary, amazing job,work appreciation and so on. The phase from degree to job is one the toughest, with limited financials to freely spend, with limited time to freely enjoy and lots of stress. However not every person endures this path, by choice or by insufficient opportunity and capability. 

I was always told work hard today and enjoy your tomorrow, I won't deny that I am not working hard but surely I am waiting for that "tomorrow", I was also taught in early life school: "too much everything is harmful, too much for sleep may seem fascinating but it makes one dull" (unless you are sick and really need sleep), I have been a faithful person in the walk of Godly faith but I too am a human and here there with time, struggles & situations have lost my faith for days and months. 

In early years of my school days I was a very below average student and some how with time I became an average student which was for a decade very basically, neutral, above minimal, "can do better" type of student. In career and education goal - I had 0% interests. The point when I came in my high school finals, looking at my average grades I felt an urge after years or may be first time ever in my life that I too must work hard, but being at the age of 15-16 I had many distractions too. Never the less, I tried my best but of course my best wasn't really "the best". I got my final high school grades and as usual very average. Frustration slipped into me, tears came into my eyes as I
 looked at that computer screen with my grade. 

No clue what to do ahead in life, I started filling some college admission forms, 1st list was meant for merit ,90+% graded students I had no chance,  second list was for below 90 to 75% graded students and no luck for me there too. Then came the third list where I might have a fit in 60-75% but that was a tough zone to be under, okay the third list came my name was on waiting list. I wanted to Bachelors in management but since my lack interest in studies and career I couldn't make it through, I went to speak to the faculty heads and they said sorry with this marks you'll have to wait for last list if any student leaves but its much unlike and "You won't get it" - you know how guilty and disheartened I felt- words that cringed back were " You won't get it"! I said to God " you are unreal, you couldn't even get me a seat in undergrad admissions". The listings were over so just before the final round as per advice by my family, I went to take an admission in the degree I had no interest Bachelors in commerce. got my ID card, roll number, but not the books, I was so shattered that I didn't even attend classes for 2 weeks to the college. When I thought all my hope was over everything seemed an end and B.Com to be my undergrad degree that is when God stepped in, I got a call from college that the seats were  not yet full Bachelors of management and with me falling under last list category I had a narrow window to avail the seat and guess what unimaginably and miraculously I got it! 
I got into Bachelors of Management.  In first year first semester when the results came I had gained "C" grade, I thought to my self am I so dumb ? I can't get more than this "C" ever in my life? I was glad to attend a college but not happy with my results. 

I prayed and commenced semester 2 of year one, I got a "B" grade, I further kept studying and growing myself in faith of God and yes I passed with some better grades and begun my year 2.
I got "A" grade in all of my year two (semester 3 and 4) I was very pleased but yes as no life can go so normal trials and faith testing happened again, the year 2, semester 4 result had a module of "financial management" I knew that the paper was out of portion and the performance was not good but not so bad to have a repeat! I prepared to reappear for that module and with less than 10 days in hand along side to prepare for semester 5 year 3 (semi-finals) it was a chaos, I studied a repeat module and semester 5 modules, upon reappearing I was so confident to score minimum 58/60 (well to date I don't know how much I scored) because with my year 3, semester 5 result the University announced to pass all the students with a reappear in that module because the question paper was out of syllabus- so I basically wasted a lot of time and energy but Prayers never went wasted what I believed for happened " MY GOD DIDNT FAIL ME" There Was no comment of reappear on my mark sheet and I was issued a new mark sheet.
In my final semester (semester 6: year 3)  I got an " O" grade over all, I did great in this bachelors degree journey I had to struggle a lot, but then finally I was amongst top 20 students. (No there were not just 20 -students in class)

Can you imagine a person never getting more than average C-D grade and gets an O grade (O grade= higher distinction, 80%+) 

It was not that all of a sudden I got supernatural power of wisdom or some alien touched me I became like this- NO !

It was because of Hand of GOD favoring my life, it was because I had family and relatives who prayed for me, it was because I too had a faith even if it was size of a mustard seed (tiny), it was because even though I faced problems I kept going to church, it was because all of a sudden the church members could hear me also sing praises of worship, it was because I began reading the book of God "Bible", It was because I constantly believed "Proverbs" is book of knowledge and everything written in it cannot be fathomed its true its real. 

It was because of tiny faith, life flipped for me. 

If this can happen to me, it can happen for you. 

"Fear of the Lord, is beginning of knowledge" 
Proverbs 1:7

"For the Lord gives wisdom, from his mouth came knowledge and understanding" 
Proverbs 2:6

Nothing is impossible for God, your failure will turn into victory, God will enable you to do great in life, so please don't be discouraged, because what you read above is not a lie its my story and things didn't just end there.

 Have a faith in God and know that when you have faith on him he too will show his faithfulness

Please read part 2: to be motivated to know how God didn't give up on me and how God performed something so great!



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