Be Still- Exodus 14:14

"The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still" Exodus 14:14, was my new year "2020" verse.

I kept thinking at that point what does this even mean? What fight? Be still?- I kept thinking what a verse I got which I cant even relate to my life. Because back then in January 2020, I had everything: Health, Wealth, Family, Friends, Relationship, Job, Lifestyle, Dominance, Reputation basically everything a person desires!! So it was hard for me to digest what does this even mean...

About 3 months down the year 1 March, 2020, I began loosing everything I had. On todays date I have 50% left with me. My friends or foes what must I say?, Relationship ! gone for a toss of life, Reputation lead with misunderstandings,  Health- Pandemic lockdown across the world (So I can not meet anyone at all or travel), Lifestyle- Completely changed.

I feel like I am the new Job from the Bible, but Jobs life was restored - so I am waiting mine too will.
But again the pain,  suffering, hurt, heart break, tears shed, literally what a mess !!

When I opened my Bible I saw the bookmark EXODUS 14: 14 "2020 Happy New year"
I looked at it for a while ! Blamed, accused, questioned, argued with God for my condition for my folly for my trust for everything I kept loosing...!
I read the scripture around Exodus 14:14 to understand my cause my situation, it goes like this to summarize "The Egyptians you see today you will never see again, Don't be afraid, stand firm you will be delivered today and won't see them again...The Lord will fight for you be still...Tell the Israelites to move on...Raise your staff and split the sea...You will walk on dry ground, God will confuse your enemies... The pillar of cloud from front stood back... In end enemies knew God is fighting for them lets get away from Israelites" (Exodus 14:13-31)

I thought to myself "Oh what is this, what is God revealing to me? " Well at that point I was broken and faithless and couldn't understand anything...Days later I went and reopened with the fresh spirit. 25th March, 2020 God Spoke to me clearly "The friends you trusted may not be worth- jealousy, envy: These cannot be your friends" ( I am glad I left their path before further destruction). I am glad I lost those friends !! "So Called friends"- So these enemies you see, you wont see them again. God will deliver you out of this trouble and you will walk on dry ground- when you raise your staff the sea will split: So when I raise my hands to pray: Ill walk out freely and those enemies that will then keep coming behind me , will be confused and will know GOD is fighting for me. (AMEN??!!)

In terms of other blessings: Job, wealth, health, relationship back to normal, lifestyle...God will restore them too, in abundance than before. Sometimes as humans we are so fascinated with things around us we reduce our prayer time, Bible time, church time; because we create idols in our life and we start to trust them more than our living GOD. I reduced my time with God to minimal: Giving much attention to the idols I created in my life. This lock down brought me close to my living GOD and I realized idols won't last forever God will... However God who is fighting my battle will bring back the lost health, relationships, new good friends, lifestyle and RESTORE everything- I must just be still and trust.

3 months later today 27th March, 2020: I know this verse was to bless me, I am glad I lost my foes in mask of friends... I will only look unto GOD who will NOW RESTORE my lost relationship and bring back my life my everything.. because these all will be added unto me again ! With much believe.

In all of this temporary situation know that permanent God will restore everything once again permanently. Hope my story was encouraging- well I cant wait to share a victorious one too.

- Juhi Jennifer Macwan (ETC)


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